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Photo of Jennyruth Workshops
Administration Contact: Avril Crack
Unit 5 Red House Farm Boroughbridge Road Ripon HG4 5AY Phone: 01765 606620 Website: Jennyruth Workshops

Biographical Info

 Jennyruth Workshops is a registered charity and social enterprise based in between Ripon & Boroughbridge, where adults who have learning disabilities are trained in a wide variety of skills. The workers produce and sell a range of quality gifts and products, developing craft skills in woodwork, painting, needlework, metalwork and card-making. This is supported by a continuous and personalised training programme in numeracy, literacy, IT and communication skills. Our workers are involved in all stages of the process from the receipt of raw materials to selling their finished goods in an open, competitive market place. We sell our products online, via a catalogue (telephone ordering) and at fairs and events throughout Yorkshire. We are funded through a mixture of active fundraising, social service funding, grants, profit from sales, charitable donations and gift aid. As a registered charity any income in excess of costs is re-invested in equipment and training our colleagues to allow our capacity to increase. Our aim is to create the opportunity for people with Learning Disabilities to achieve long-term self-improvement and gain lasting benefits.

Categories: Charity
Updated 16 hours ago. Return to top.
Photo of YMCA Boroughbridge Shop
Contact: Natasha Ball
27 Fishergate Boroughbridge YO51 9AL Phone: 01423324318 Website: YMCA Boroughbridge Shop

Biographical Info

The YMCA is a national community-focused non-profit organisation established in 1844 with recreational programs & services for all ages. It has shops in many locations, and a key aspect is that the charity directly supports our local community. The money raised at the Boroughbridge shop and through local events directly goes to the Ripon YMCA Hub helping youths in our immediate area.

Categories: Charity
Updated 2 weeks ago. Return to top.