Boroughbridge Chiropody » Directory

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Boroughbridge Chiropody

Contact: Julie Moorhouse
4 Fishergate Boroughbridge YO51 9AL Mobile Phone: 07515 462666 (Julie – Chiropody & Podiatry) Mobile Phone: 07795 614425 (Leanne – Foot Health Practitioner) Website:
Photo of Boroughbridge Chiropody

Biographical Info

Specialist chiropody and podiatry services.

    • Boroughbridge Chiropody & Podiatry is a fully equipped friendly surgery, conveniently situated on Boroughbridge High Street. Chiropody and Podiatry services are provided by Julie
    • As a Foot Health Practitioner, Leanne is professionally trained to recognise and treat all common conditions that affect the foot and deliver routine footcare, working to ensure feet stay in a healthy condition as well as providing general advice and guidance on day to day foot care, making any referrals where necessary