BBC TV Look North Visits the High Street

Despite the best laid plans BBC TV Look North didn’t visit our High Street on the 2nd of June – but they did come along on the 3rd! The previous day the scheduled reporter, Ian White, was re-directed to an emerging tragic story elsewhere, but on Thursday 3rd, Cathy Killick and cameraman Rob duly appeared to showcase the High Street and interview several businesses – including Winearray, Spears Travels, Bowe & Co, Fink and Issima. No doubt a good deal of it will end up on the cutting-room floor, but we should at least get some positive publicity for the Town’s businesses. A small piece duly appeared on the lunchtime news, and a longer piece appeared on the evening Look North news programme. All great publicity for the Town’s businesses.

Left to right below:  BBC TV’s Cathy Killick does her opening piece to camera; Derek Hufton (Chamber President) with Cathy; Nick at Winearray, Liz at Bowe & Co, Nick at Spears Travels, Laura from Issima on TV; Sharon from Fink on TV